Axminster carpet has many advantages over other carpets in terms of both aesthetics and performance. One of the main benefits of Axminster carpet is that it is woven on looms that offer flexibilities in colours and design. A design can contain up to 16 colours, providing the most options in design potential of any carpet manufacturing process. The Axminster process also allows for crisper design elements. Each piece of pile yarn is individually woven into place allowing even the most complex and intricate designs to be created with pinpoint precision.
This allows designers to get creative with the application of Axminster in their projects, playing with scale, head-turning colour combinations and designs that are fare outside the square! We've pulled together five of our projects that really exemplify the incredible versatility of Axminster carpet.
Our Axminster carpet experts can create unique designs, bespoke to your project. Our specialists have decades of experience creating custom Axminster carpet for hotels, aged care facilities, government projects and more.